Old Man's War Wiki
Bathunga 02

A handsome member of the Bathunga species.

The Bathunga are a race of ocean dwelling aliens that coexist with humans as allies on several worlds.


The Bathunga evolved from an aquatic ancestry and as such still retain much of the physiology needed to live in such native environments. It's believed this also has shaped their general outlook of culture, science and technology. Their overall body is a deep slick black in coloration mainly due to the need to be in an aquatic environment and absorb the maximum amount of light, similar to many Earth based phytoplankton and laminariales. At a glance their body structures seem to lack solid tissue such as bone or carapace but is instead made up of a layer of regenerative muscle that takes on a gnarled looking appearance similar to tree roots at a first impression with a set of three sensor stalks atop what could be identified as their head. These stalks secrete a lubricative liquid that help to their bodies moist when outside of water. Within water, it is believed the also contain strong pheromones used for communication. The Bathunga possess a set of serrated lobster claws nestled within a large orifice sheath near their main body stalk for manipulation within their environment. Their main source of food is filtering plankton with the oceans they habitate.

Appears in Old Man's War
Allies Humanity


The Bathunga are a deeply pacificstic people. Their culture stretches back hundreds of thousands of years. Within all this history and experience, a great understanding of mathematics has been the driving computation and variant solution upon meeting Humanity. Despite their initial looks being archetypically frightening to humans, it belies their pacifistic nature. They are known to enthusiastically coexist with humans on several worlds.


Bathunga are used as an example to illustrate how preconceived notions can influence how humans treat a species. Lieutenant Oglethorpe gives this lecture in Old Man's War. The Bathunga are contrasted against the Salong who have a pleasing appearance to humans but are bloodthirsty.
